Monday 18 July 2016

How To Make Delicious Raw Dark Chocolates?

It is very easy to prepare Raw Dark Chocolates. The ingredients required for the preparation are also only few inspiring if you are trying them for the first time. The only fact you need to take care of yourself is observe keenly what your peer is doing, follow it step by step until you become expert in getting them properly. The ingredients are very few as mentioned earlier and they are melted cocoa butter, cocoa powder, maple syrup, and vanilla bean or essence, whichever you and your family prefer. However, you will get them at David Wolfe Super Foods

One can buy them at David Wolfe super foods and compare with your own preparation. You will love to find out that both are very same equally good in taste and ingredients quality. What else do you need if you can avoid all the time spent in the preparation and accumulation of raw materials? The company use high quality raw materials. 

However, for the newbie the trick is to melt the cocoa butter until it becomes liquid. But before that keep the container having butter in hot water bowl so that it can melt completely and mix the cocoa powder without leaving lumps. Make it a smooth paste. Add butter, cocoa powder, maple syrup and essence. Pour it moulds and allow them to cool and serve them after chilling them for two to two and half hours in the freezer. That is all. But you can buy the same quality at David Wolfe super foods. 

Sacred Chocolate 

Phone: +415-883-1311